The Possibility Of Storing Information On Dna


How possible is it to use DNA to store information?

Would it actually work?

Well, British scientists are researching how to use DNA to store masses of information in a bid to solve the world’s problem of where to store all its data.

A technique has been developed to develop DNA code and is being fine-tuned to store files on this DNA code. It involves using this technique invented at the European Bioinformatics Institute to convert the binary code of 1’s and 0’s which a computer uses to store its information into A’s, C’s, T’s and G’s, the foundation of DNA code.

Dr. Emily Leproust of Twist Bioscience, an American company, claims that if all the data on the internet is stored on DNA it would be about the size of a shoebox.

The American company turned the developed code at the institute into physical DNA.

Proof of this accomplished feat was displayed by Dr. Nick Goldman of the European Bioinformatics Institute, who displayed a video file which had been stored on DNA to Richard Westcott, BBC News Correspondent. The video file stored in computer code had been taken, modified and stored on DNA in DNA code. It was then reconstructed and played. It had no errors in its restoration and played without a hitch, solidifying this possibility.

This ground-breaking discovery according to Dr. Goldman should be available in five years for the very rich with really valuable information as more time is needed to work on the technique and in another 10 to 15 years, should be available for most of the public to acquire and store information.

Oluwa-Folayimika Akinola

Content Writer

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