Mueller May Soon Be Fired By Trump Says Sen. Chris Coons


According to Senator Christopher A. Coons, Delaware Democrat, Special Counsel Robert Mueller is going to be fired soon by President Donald Trump. He made this statement Friday, March 30, that it is “obvious” that President Trump wants to fire Mueller and he considers it to be quite “likely” it happens soon.

Claims of a secret collaboration or collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government was the original case being investigated by Mueller but now, it has broadened to include Trump’s family business.

Mr. Coons has also said that President Trump is highly sensitive regarding his personal life. He does not like to get investigated and that that would lead to the decision to terminate Mueller. Trump has also publicly said that it would be the red line if the special counsel started going after his personal finances or family businesses, according to Mr. Coons live on CNN. He also added to this statement that starting several weeks ago, the investigation into Trump’s personal finances and family business “is exactly what is being done in the special counsel investigation”. Hence, the high possibility of Mueller’s dismissal.

However, several Republican leaders have insisted that President Trump would not terminate Mueller. And to this statement, Mr. Coons has said that his colleagues are too trusting of advisers of the White House. He believes his colleagues insist on this because he thinks “they’ve been given assurances by people in the West Wing that they’ve got this under control”. However, the ultimate decision on Mueller rests on President Trump.

Oluwa-Folayimika Akinola

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