Defense Minister Rejects Call Inquires On Palestinians killed


15 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli military.

It happened last Friday when a Palestinian demonstration at the Gaza-Israel border turned quite violent. Also, Israeli military opened fire Saturday using live ammunition and rubber bullets, wounding about 70 Palestinians at the border. Hundreds had been warned to stay away. The military has said that some of those shot at had rolled burning tires, tossed rocks, tossed firebombs and fired at soldiers. Witnesses say stones were tossed.

Of the fifteen killed, The Hamas have said five were theirs. Israel has said they were eight. And two others have been stated to belong to other militant factions. The Hamas, dominant Palestinian group in Gaza and deemed a terrorist group by Israel and the West, have also been accused by the Israeli military of “cynically exploiting women and children” by sending them to the front lines. A Hamas spokesman called the claims “lies aimed at justifying the massacres”.

Calls inquiring a justification on the killing of the 15 Palestinians came through on Sunday but Israel’s defense minister Avigdor Lieberman rejected the calls. He also believes the soldiers “deserve a medal” as they did what he believes was necessary to protect the border.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the EU top diplomat Federica Mogherini called for an independent investigation on the killings.

Diplomats have also said that the U.S. stopped a Kuwait-drafted U.N. Security Council statement which would have called for an independent investigation on Saturday

Hundreds of Palestinians, a small number compared to the initial turnout, stayed back in tent encampments after the incidents and much more are expected come Friday because of the Muslim Sabbath.

When the Palestinians mark the “Nakba” or “Catastrophe” on May 15, the protest would reach its peak.

Oluwa-Folayimika Akinola

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